Ahma & Co

Ahma & Co is a postnatal retreat, located at the Waldorf Astoria in Monarch Beach. This business model is the norm in South Korea, but has only recently begun disseminating into the United States. The American healthcare system is overworked and we cannot expect for new mothers to learn all there is to know about raising a child in the 48 hours after birth. That's where Ahma & Co comes in. They specialize in providing comprehensive postpartum care to new mothers, all while giving them a comforting, luxurious place to stay.


Brand Strategy
Brand Guidelines
Brand Identity
Verbal Identity
Logo Design
Social Media Management
Social Media Marketing
Organic Growth

Ahma & Co Case Study

Problem: In a country with so few postpartum care options, Ahma & Co's postpartum retreat emerged to help fill that gap. Given the novelty and the luxurious nature of the business model, they needed to provide a lot of context and background to possible consumers to build trust and promote conversions in a domestically un-tested business. Prior to launch, the brand focused on solidifying their brand voice, but their visual identity did not align with the quality inherent to the service they would eventually provide. Similarly, Ahma & Co lacked a means of visually differentiating their brand from competitors in the burgeoning postpartum care space.

Solution: To solidify Ahma & Co's identity and emphasize their differentiating factors within the industry, we developed a comprehensive strategy that included logo design, tailored social media messaging, content creation, & graphic design. We began by researching the postpartum care industry and its current constituents to understand both the service as a whole and how Ahma & Co differed from competitors. From there, we created brand strategy and direction packets to delineate their position within their industry and match the quality of their offerings to the quality of their social media and branding. The rebranding process took place before the business officially launched so that all potential customers were convinced of the quality of the service when they completed their due diligence prior to booking their stay.

Visual Identity

Balancing Information with Aesthetics

While we wanted to create a unique and visually appealing aesthetic for Ahma & Co, it was important that our graphics included a balance of both visuals and information. In creating each graphic, it was crucial that we were adding value and affirming potential customers' desires to book their stay at the retreat. In Ahma & Co's case, where the business model is unknown and misunderstood by many, it is necessary to explain why the service was created rather than relying on the customer to make that connection.

Social Media Marketing, Graphic Design, Feed Curation

Building Ahma & Co's social media presence focused on feed curation using research-based informative graphics and video content created by our team. In curating the feed, we came up with a diverse content structure that would allow us to share the what and the why behind the treat, while also contributing to the audience's knowledge on the postpartum period through captivating graphics.

Logo Design & Development

When we began working together, Ahma & Co's logo and color palette did not quite fit the tone of the brand's revamp, so we helped them create completely new brand guidelines. This new color scheme and logo was the final piece of the puzzle in creating a luxurious brand feel that aligned with their service.


Through a blend of marketing strategies and design overhauls, we grew the brand's following from nearly 2500 to over 5400 in just 3 months. During that period, we also reached nearly 300k viewers and created videos that garnered tens of thousands of views.